The Entertainer Blogger Award





A huge thank you to Lorelle from a mindful traveler for the Entertainer Blogger Award.  It’s such a huge honor to be nominated by a fellow blogger.  Lorelle has an amazing blog full of travels to places I have yet to visit.  You can also find hints and tips and ….Food. a blogger after my own heart.  Travel and Food.  What a great combination.  Please go and check out Lorelle, like me you will not be dissapointed.


  • Thank the person who nominated you add link to their blog
  • Add the rules, so others can follow
  • Nominate people who you find fun, inspiring and entertaining!
  • Answer the same questions
  • Include the graphic in your post

Why did you start blogging in the first place?

The idea of this blog started on a cruise ship on the Rhine back in 2016.  The 3 of us had met a few lovely people and we are still friends.  However, there was a weird vibe on the cruise.  3 Sisters who really do not look like each other.  Who were we?  So many questions to us and then they wouldn’t speak to us again.  We were sitting having a few drinks and laughing how one day we 3 will be famous and then they will wish they had made friends with us.  I piped up..” I will write a blog, then a book and it will become famous and a movie will be made.  So I got home and started this blog.  Are we famous yet?

 What is your favourite book?

It’s so hard to have one book that’s your favourite.

Belly Dancing for Beginners – Liz Bryski

Barra Creek – Di Morrissey

The Light Between Oceans – M. L . Stedman

What do you dislike the most?

When people disregard that you’re using a crutch/walking stick and expect you to move out-of-the-way.  Or your on public transport and no one offers you a seat.


What is your favourite food at the mall?

I don’t eat at food courts, they usually don’t have anything I can eat.  I am gluten intolerant.  I have often had a coffee though.

What is your favourite pastime?

It would have to be travel.  Whether it’s a drive to the country, a flight to visit my family or a trip overseas.


My Nominees 

The bloggers I am nominating  are inspiring and I have learnt so much from each of you.  Thank you so much for your support .  Your blogs are amazing and deserve this nomination.  I have known these 3 wonderful people since the inception of 3 sistersabroad.  I do hope everyone that reads this post goes over and check them out.














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